Spiritual Books
Showing 1–6 of 8 results
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When Worlds Collide (ebook)
$24.00Besides his best selling book “Ascended Masters of Color- Ascended Beings of Light” This new book is most important work to date. It addresses something that humanity has lacked a thorough knowledge of since not only the advent of slavery, but since the beginning of humanity on earth. The real truth historical and otherwise has never been written and shared with all of humanity. Just like most of human history, the truth has not been told and the truth has been manipulated for the controllers of earth and humanity to meet their dark agenda, Both the Black and White races have been victims of this agenda. For the first time in human history, the truth of who the black race are, where did they come from, and what purpose did they serve by coming into the second universe from the first. It is important for all of humanity to understand the truth so that the human society can heal and move forward into full ascension. Its time for us to be our brothers and our sisters keeper and end this madness of race hatred because of skin color. The truth has never been told before now or why this race of beings choose to go into slavery.Add to cart -
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$30.00About the Book: This book is a beautifully written book that really addresses the knowledge of the existence of Ascended Masters of Color. It goes into history of ET races and their involvement in human history. It addresses the black race beings of light, why they came to earth, where from and for what purpose.Add to cart -
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Angels and Guides
$25.00"The Mushaba Method" Many people assume that contacting and working with spirit guides and angels requires some really special talent. Some people feel that you have to be a prophet or born with some special God given talent. However, you do not. It is simply a matter of being receptive to receiving the guidance that is always available to whoever wants it!Add to cart -
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Maldion – A Leader Hiding in Time
$30.00In the beginning the Word Was One, and then something happened and the Word Was Split! But the thing is, is that most people only hear part of the story about the Word being split. Most believe that the Word was split into Two Parts; that of Good or Light, or that of Evil or Dark. This is not completely true. The Word was actually split into three parts; that of the Light, which is what we call Good, and the Dark, which we call Bad,. However it was also split into a third part into that which is called the Good Dark, which is a part of the Light that you don’t hear about and no one talks about!Add to cart -
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When Worlds Collide
$32.50Besides his best selling book “Ascended Masters of Color- Ascended Beings of Light” This new book is most important work to date. It addresses something that humanity has lacked a thorough knowledge of since not only the advent of slavery, but since the beginning of humanity on earth. The real truth historical and otherwise has never been written and shared with all of humanity. Just like most of human history, the truth has not been told and the truth has been manipulated for the controllers of earth and humanity to meet their dark agenda, Both the Black and White races have been victims of this agenda. For the first time in human history, the truth of who the black race are, where did they come from, and what purpose did they serve by coming into the second universe from the first. It is important for all of humanity to understand the truth so that the human society can heal and move forward into full ascension. Its time for us to be our brothers and our sisters keeper and end this madness of race hatred because of skin color. The truth has never been told before now or why this race of beings choose to go into slavery.Add to cart -
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The Book of Mushaba
$25.00The Book of Mushaba is an introduction to a race of beings that has been directly involved in the history of Human destiny. But they have remained unknown until now.Add to cart