Opening to the Channel Within You Training Level 1  – In Person

Opening to the Channel Within You Training Level 1 – In Person


This course will help you to learn to connect with the channel within you. This is a course that teaches about the various ways that you can learn to channel. We take you through some exercises to help you to open to your ability to channel and work to discover your preferred way to channel. You learn techniques to help you learn to open to the channel within you for everyone has the ability to do it! We do some actual channeling and we also get you to channel!




This course will help you to learn to connect with the channel within you. This is a course that teaches about the various ways that you can learn to channel. We take you through some exercises to help you to open to your ability to channel and work to discover your preferred way to channel. You learn techniques to help you learn to open to the channel within you for everyone has the ability to do it! We do some actual channeling and we also get you to channel!
Channeling can have various meanings depending on who is giving the explanation or what their purpose or objective may be. However, there is a basic understanding that people should have about channeling. We will give you a powerful jumpstart into your opening by providing you with some clearings of your blockages that are connected with your crown and Third eye chakras. In this course, the crown will be used to bring in the higher guidance and information that you will be channeling and bringing through. The third eye will be connected with your inner vision to assist you to see and to receive visions from the on the other side of the veil.


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