The Ultimate Makers Clearing Protocol

The Ultimate Makers Clearing Protocol


Humanity has faced so many obstacles to its spiritual evolvement. A lot of it is due to those beings that use to visit earth and do their tampering with humanity. Many of them realize that humanity was a very special creation that potentials far beyond what they had. Things were done to block the evolvement of earth and humanity from giving false teachings, to changing the core of good spiritual practices, as well as using Magic, Sorcery and Alchemy against humanity. You may wonder many times “Why am I not progressing as I know I should be? Why are my spiritual capabilities not coming online? And why it seems that all of what I have been doing has never really materialized in the way that I wanted it to or in the way I was told would be my life pathway?” All of this is address in this new Ultimate Makers Clearing!



What is the Ultimate Makers Clearing Protocol?


Outside of creation are those beings that exist where everything had its beginning except for those beings. Those beings however, never had a beginning and has always existed. Those beings are called “The Makers and Owners of All That Exist and All That Don’t Exist and All That Is in Potential.” These beings gave us the Ultimate Makers Clearing Protocol which is a very deep comprehensive clearing on all levels of your being since you first came into existence. It took me years of daily and I mean daily practice to master this clearing because it’s so involved and what you say, how you say it and the energies you use with it, the vision of seeing the unseen that you use with it and the voices and beings that you see and hear is all a part of the clearing.  It removes blockages to you being able to move forward into your greater evolvement. It addresses areas that most of us had no idea that exists. Blockages to your evolvement, spiritual opening, health, finance, former lives, you’re mental, and emotional health is also addressed.


There is so much that is offered by this clearing that it’s far too comprehensive to go into. It’s the most powerful clearing available to humanity. It addresses the mental, physical, emotional, psychological, the spiritual and all levels of your existence. You ever heard of projectionist, mimickers, shape shifting deceivers? What about Centrioles, or peripheral energies and backlash? How about Piggy Backing and cloaked tag-ons, hijackers and saboteurs? These are just a small fraction of what is addressed in this Ultimate Makers Clearing Protocol. There is so much that is offered by this clearing that it’s far too comprehensive to mention. These are just a small fraction of what is addressed in this Ultimate Makers Clearing Protocol. This clearing is done remotely and is conducted by The Ultimate Makers Clearing Team and together they form a very powerful combination of clearing and healing abilities and are able to discover hidden secrets and other hidden things that no one had any clue that exist in a person’s life. It can go back all the way to when you first came into existence as a being, spark, energy, soul, spirit or any other means. After the clearing is done, you receive a report on what was discovered and cleared. The clearing energies remain with you for some time constantly remaining vigilant on your behalf.


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